29 July 2006

Cape Cod League

Cape Cod Times | Sports Main

championship week starts August 7th. Have to catch a few games...

thornback gallery

Kites Made From These Plans of the thornback

check out the video clip from Rob Paliotta to see stuff i can't do.

kite no. 4

based on thornback II

P200 LE
P300 spine
P300 LS
P100 US
3 mm SO

bridle - std
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drinking chipmunks

well, it must be hot!
barb claims i'm not a fan of chipmunks, but we can all see why i placed the fountain in their neighborhood.
caught this guy drinking early this morning. Posted by Picasa

28 July 2006

new patio furniture arrived!!!
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09 July 2006

weekend projects.....

This weekend, after the Road trip, we spent more time working on the new patio area...
Bonsai tree and placed a bird bath (a father's day gift).

Intstalled a "Rain barrel" in the front yard.
...so of course it hasn't rained!

Layed in some more brisk to connect the old hot tub pad.
Also found a new home for the fountain.....

Here's a little cloaser look at the fountain and the hot tub pad turned into a barbaque area. Posted by Picasa

06 July 2006

new landscaping

Rick Pratt Landscaping came and left us beautiful landscaping beds, a new patio and a front walk.......oh yeah, even a fire pit!
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