12 March 2007

Communication Nation: Why techies are leading the back-to-paper movement

Communication Nation: Why techies are leading the back-to-paper movement

I'm ready......to find a better way!

more on planners for the junkies


PlannerHack.com | Mike Rohde's Custom Planner Hack

PlannerHack.com | Mike Rohde's Custom Planner Hack

I love Moleskin notebooks. I also love having a planner, but these days that's hard to do. All my appointments are managed in outlook. But I keep looking for the right method. This is another link to a place trying for the same thing....

11 March 2007

Bloo's Traveler - Kite no.6

So here's the kite I'm currently working on. BLOO is a character from the cartoon "Foster's home of imaginary friends".

The Traveler part came when I created the LE in 3 sections and then the LS in 2 parts so the whole thing can fit in my suitcase (when traveling).

Of course some of us may remember a band called "Blues Traveler" as well.

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