13 October 2007

Nashville Hedge Hog

While in Tennessee near Nashville, I picked up a few information cards on local attractions. You know the kind. They are in a rack near the front door of most hotels. I liked the stock they were printed on...so....

I used them for inside covers of a Hedge Hog
I had also came across some cool paper. It was a thick stock and it was treated to look and feel like an oil panvas you would paint on....you can see it here on the back of the page with the window.
Except for the glass bead and blue ribbon, I can say this was constructed of "found" materials. The cover is from a legal file that someone was throwing away. The paper was from a pile of overstock that had been collecting dust for a couple of years in a print shop... and so on......I think Katie wants this one.
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04 October 2007