24 October 2008

a little wisdom from the past

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative
and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them, what they could and
should do for themselves.

--Abraham Lincoln

16 October 2008

puppy arrives

this letter was received with the puppy:

Hi, my name is Lily Langtree. Yes I was named after the famous burlesque dancer who was Judge Roy Beans sweetheart. I also have red hair and chubby legs. I must say that I am a very beautiful girl. I have a red head, bluetick body and redtick legs. I am 2 or 3 years old.

I had a really rough start in life. I was in a puppy mill in Georgia and then I was taken to a dog pound. I was scheduled to be euthanized the following day but a very kind lady from a rescue group saved me. She brought me to Pennsylvania along with many other purebred dogs. I was very sick. I had pneumonia, kennel cough and my throat had been cut which was badly infected. Once again I was scheduled to be euthanized. The nurse at the local vet's office called my new mom at work and told her I was here. She immediately left work and came for me, it was love at first site.

When I arrived at my new home there were other kids like me, but I had to have a bath and see a doctor before I could play with them. After my bath I went to the doctor and got a shot and was given medicine for my respiratory infection. My new mom gave be antibiotics and kept my neck clean. After 3 days I was able to play with the other hounds. My neck healed up nicely. When I went back to the vet they said I had a clean bill of health.

Mom though I may be pregnant and asked the vet to check. The doctor couldn't feel anything; I fooled then because I was past the stage of being able to feel my babies. Within the next 2 weeks my belly kept getting larger and larger. My mom was getting a little nervous so she took me back to the vet. They x-rayed me and sure enough I had 12 babies in there. My new mom almost fainted because I have 4 other friends living at her house. She called the rescue group to find out who I was kenneled with. They told her it was with a large tri-color male basset.

August 1st rolled around and mom was nervous about the delivery so she called the doctor. They hold her to bring me in around 11AM. She came home from work to get me but I was under the couch bed and I wouldn't come out, not even for cookies. I started having my babies in the living room around 1:20 the same day. At 5:20 on August 2nd I had finished. I have 12 beautiful babies, 7 girls and 5 boys.

This brings us up to the current day. I hope you love and take care of one of my babies and give them a better start than what I had. (end of letter)

So on October 2, 2008 I was examined at the Clarion Animal Hospital (in PA) and certified as one of Lily's pups, sex - Male, Species - K9, Breed - Basset Hound, Age - 9 weeks, Color - Tri, Owner - Betty Kaufman, I was Baby "D" and I was 11.3 lbs.

Steve Joseph brought me to the Schnuck house on Thursday, October 16th.

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07 October 2008

06 October 2008