27 March 2011

was in Biotech Bay last week....

Converting an Amgen division into a new BI company - Boehringer Ingelheim Fremont Inc.

To find the Amgen site look on the east coast of the bay. Rainy and cool all week. "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.

20 March 2011

so I think I want to try bicycle commuting on a TREK 1100


I figured out that it was 5 miles to work, and now thanks to the miracle of google maps, I was able to find a route that I will probably survive. So I started hunting for a bike. Mostly new ones..cha-ching! Happened across this mid-90s Trek at a LBS while it was being traded-in by a guy my size/height and a couple of years older. Figured it was a sign or something, so I bought it. Removed the aero-bars, rear rack (for now) and added some fenders. Fenders are SKS Bluemels. Need to dremel the fenders to get enough clearance through the brake calipers. I'll try getting use to riding a road bike again...it has only been 35 years. Once I feel safe, I'll put the rack back on and I will try a commute.
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here's a bike just like the one I got found on the web...

Trek 1100 first aluminum road bike with a triple chain ring.