25 September 2011

21 September 2011

20 September 2011

Open Water Rowing Center in San Francisco | OutsideOnline.com | Dropping In | OutsideOnline.com

Open Water Rowing Center in San Francisco | OutsideOnline.com | Dropping In | OutsideOnline.com: "SCULL CRUSHERS
On wind-blasted San Fran­cisco Bay, a crew of hardcore rowers dodges freighters and fog banks for kicks. They are mostly women over 40. And they will destroy you."

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05 September 2011

Chocolate Mousse

4-minute Chocolate Mousse: "This incredibly decadent, luxurious chocolate mousse recipe comes to us from Gordon Ramsay (to whom I lovingly refer as Angry Chef). You have to try this! It's worth every single minute of effort.

Made this for Katie's birthday, which is today! - 21. I guess it must take some practice to get down to 4 minutes...probably took me about 12 minutes.
Now where is that bottle of wine?


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04 September 2011

The best out-of-office email ever written

The best out-of-office email ever written: "You know the worst thing about going on vacation? Writing your out-of-office email message."

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I am currently out of the office on vacation.

I know I’m supposed to say that I’ll have limited access to email and won’t be able to respond until I return — but that’s not true. My blackberry will be with me and I can respond if I need to. And I recognize that I’ll probably need to interrupt my vacation from time to time to deal with something urgent.

That said, I promised my wife that I am going to try to disconnect, get away and enjoy our vacation as much as possible. So, I’m going to experiment with something new. I’m going to leave the decision in your hands:

If your email truly is urgent and you need a response while I’m on vacation, please resend it to interruptyourvacation@[redacted].com and I’ll try to respond to it promptly.
If you think someone else at [the company] might be able to help you, feel free to email my assistant, and she’ll try to point you in the right direction.
· Otherwise, I’ll respond when I return…

Warm regards,
