28 October 2011

what will tomorrow bring?

As it turned out we got 17 inches, a truck load of broken trees and branches, lost power at 2P on Saturday. We were one of the lucky ones and got our power back Monday night.

25 October 2011

"Father of the iPod" shows off his new project - Fortune Tech

"Father of the iPod" shows off his new project - Fortune Tech: "For the past two years, he has been hard at work quietly building a new electronic gadget. Like the iPod, it is controlled through a simple dial. And like the iPod, it's likely to be greeted with skepticism. It is, after all, a thermostat."

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12 October 2011

Tigers Ignore the Pain - Leading Off - NYTimes.com

Tigers Ignore the Pain - Leading Off - NYTimes.com: "Something far more notable happened Tuesday night in Detroit than simply a playoff baseball game."

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bye to the boat


Bo saw my add on Craiglist and now has the boat and trailer.
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05 October 2011

Maui Jim Lighthouse

have to replace my sunglasses I misplaced a month ago while doing sound at a party. Lost a pair of Maui Jim Hanalei (I think). I will try the lighthouse with HT lense.

fetch these please....