31 December 2011

Infographic Of The Day: How Bikes Can Solve Our Biggest Problems | Co.Design

Infographic Of The Day: How Bikes Can Solve Our Biggest Problems | Co.Design: "There's tantalizing data suggesting that biking could go a long way to solving America's obesity crisis. And much more."

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SURG 2011: Project Aura

SURG 2011: Project Aura: "two industrial design students at Carnegie Mellon University, in making a bicycle safety lighting system."

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30 December 2011

David Baldacci

just finished "The Sixth Man" by David Baldacci. this is the fifth in his series using Sean King and Michelle Maxwell as investigators. Originally found the first book on vacation on the cape years ago.

3-3.5 stars out of 4

the other books in the series are:
Split Second
Hour Game
Simple Genius
and First Family

What are you doing New Years Eve?

ukulele hut strumming instructions and chords


28 December 2011

27 December 2011

The Top 10 Travel Stories of 2011 | Adventure Travel Guide | OutsideOnline.com

The Top 10 Travel Stories of 2011 | Adventure Travel Guide | OutsideOnline.com: "THE TOP 10 TRAVEL STORIES OF 2011
From the world’s most fuel-efficient commercial plane to foreign economic collapses to a cloud-tickling hotel, the biggest adventure travel stories this year


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25 December 2011

Christmas Comet

A stunning comet that survived a recent brush with the sun is amazing astronomers again, this time in dazzling new photos captured just before sunrise over Chile.

This beautiful dawn photo of Comet Lovejoy over Santiago de Chile was taken by ESO Photo Ambassador Yuri Beletsky on 22 December 2011 at 05:00 in the morning.
CREDIT: Y. Beletski/ESO
View full size image
The comet Lovejoy may not be the famed Star of Bethlehem, but it still provided a jaw-dropping sight for astronomer Gabriel Brammer, hotographed the comet rising ahead of the sun on Dec. 22 at Paranal Observatory in Chile's high Atacama Desert.

Comet Lovejoy from the VLT, Chile from g br on Vimeo.

24 December 2011

my first Concept2 holiday challenge done

The Concept2 Holiday challenge can be found here Next year it has to be 200K!

Christmas is almost here

Brewster Pastry provided us with last night's dessert.

18 December 2011

the future

The latest video builds on Microsoft’s previous concepts of touch based computing anywhere and everywhere. The video opens with a business woman visiting Johannesburg and having the audio around her translated in real time thanks to some futuristic glasses. Other scenes in the video feature highly personalized experiences and touch computing on every surface. Microsoft previously created an “Office 2019” video which also features the same opaque smartphones and touch walls.

10 December 2011

end of an era

sold my goalie pads today.