19 January 2008

worlds converge

I received an email yesterday that like most things in life contained both good news and bad news.....

First the good news....because of the email I've made a discovery.....

Worlds are converging...Letterboxing + Artist Trading Cards. = "Letterbox Trading Cards"

Now the bad news....which I will let the email explain

Hello all! I am sad to report that there was recently a local contest sponsored by a local newspaper at Tarry wile park. It was a treasure hunt and people were looking for a hidden medallion. well after 12-13 days of people searching many letter boxes and geocache boxes were found by people who just had no sense or clue that they found or were damaging a letterbox. My husband told me he found damaged boxes while looking for the same medallion, but tried to tidy them up. he couldn't remember all of the names, but I STRONGLY ADVISE anyone with a box in tarrywile to CHECK ON THEM immediately! There were two on the steps of one trail, nad he said the boxes were left open on rocks and tree trunks. he also said the books were wet, plus it recently snowed here. He tried to secure them, but didn't know where to put them back. he knew of one, but wass thrown by the second one right near it. I am really sorry for all that are affected. I couldn't make it to the park to help.
I need to try to notify the geocachers too, but don't know how.
Sorry for the bad and disappointing news.

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