26 November 2008

new bed

I took the week off from work and generally I'm relaxing. I've had a deliverable or two for the home front. One was completed this morning.

Say goodbye to the bohemian-bed-on-the-floor and welcome to 12 inches of natural latex mattress (on a box and frame) off the floor. Barb really wanted the bed higher. For both of us, that first push in the morning to rise from the bed was more than needed. It was a challenge in today's bedding market to not need a step ladder to get onto a mattress to sleep. Many with pillow tops are 14 inches thick. Foundations can run 8 inches and frames another 8 inches. That can put the sitting height at 30-32 inches off the floor. That's about the height of a desk top or table.

The final decision was for a Stearns and Foster, Natural resort - Garden Grove Plush mattress, on a low profile foundation, and again on a low profile frame. So the sitting height of the mattress is about 22 inches from the floor. (we were at about 15 inches with the old mattress-box on the floor).

Latex has been around for many years and it seems to be making a comeback. Tonight we'll find out if the 15 minute try (lay) out was accurate. I hope I like it.......more tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

We are looking to purchase the same mattress. How did you like your new Garden Grove Plush Mattress?

G said...

it is a big improvement compared to our last bed (spring mattress). We've been sleeping better. It is feeling softer to me than I thought it was in the store. This is our first latex mattress. I wish we had made the move years ago.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the input. The first few nights it seemed to be a lot firmer than I had expected because the one in the showroom was softer. We've had the new mattress about a week now and It is much more comfortable now. Thanks again. Lisa