22 March 2009

days left

Steve Berglass:
Seeley and Berglass
121 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, Connecticut 6510

John R Williams, New Haven

Cathleen Eidergill, Beck & Eldergill

Steve Greenspan; Day, Berry & Howard now Day Pitney

Shipman And Goodman
1 Landmark Sq Ste 1600
Stamford, CT 06901-2621
Contact Phone: (203) 324-8113

13 March 2009

07 March 2009

If this works it will be great


5 Fat-Burning Strategies

5 Fat-Burning Strategies: "5 Fat-Burning Strategies
Here's how to work out, eat right -- and lose fat.
By Kathleen Doheny
WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

You work out zealously and eat healthy meals -- at least most of the time -- and the pounds are starting to drop off. You're looking and feeling more toned, too, just as you'd hoped.

But with all this effort, shouldn't you lose fat? Shouldn't the flab be dissolving faster? If you're of a certain age, you know the flab we're talking about."

01 March 2009

more dog pics

katie tries to join the magic


update: turns out that WCSU does not accredit the Disney College Program. Very disappointing news for Katie and Disney's loss.....

Katie has been accepted to the Disney College Program. There is much to work out, but if all goes well Katie will be spending this summer and her first Sophmore semester at Disney World.
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barb captures freak flakes

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12 year low

Bloomberg.com: U.S.: "S&P 500 Drops to 12-Year Low as Citigroup, Humana, SLM Retreat

Feb. 27 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks declined for a third straight week, sending the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index to a 12- year low, as the government rescued Citigroup Inc. and drugmakers and insurers fell on President Barack Obama’s health-care plan."