21 June 2009

my YES watch on the summer solstice

the summer solstice is today (and father's day). check out what the yes watch does every hour....

I picked up my WorldWatch by Yes a year ago on eBay. I always appreciated the idea of the YES watches. It looks like this is the 10 year anniversary of the WorldWatch as YES has released a Worldwatch II

15 June 2009


tonight was my first night in a single sculling. I was rowing a Laser. It's a wide body as rowing shells go, very wide. It still felt less than stable, especially when I thought too much, analyzed too much and didn't relax enough. None the less I didn't get wet, much to my surprise. Must remember to relax and use my legs to drive the boat, not my arms.

ConnecticutPlus.com News - Tom Sachs: Cameras at The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum

ConnecticutPlus.com News - Tom Sachs: Cameras at The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum

14 June 2009

long walks require long rest

it's been a hard rain


it feels like it has been raining all week. Tuesday or Wednesday morning it was pouring...hard! As I left for work I discovered Katie had left her moonroof open in the Jetta. We have been attempting to dry it out inbetween showers.
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Finals Set at 2009 USRowing Youth National Championships

USRowing: "In the women’s double sculls, GMS Rowing Center’s Kim Hopewell and Celia Kohl recorded the top time, winning the second semifinal in a 7:54.63. Archbishop Prendergast High School’s Jackie Lees and Jeanine Lees won the other semi in an 8:01.40. Hopewell came back to stroke the GMS Rowing Center women’s quadruple sculls later in the morning. Racing in the second of two semifinals, GMS finished with a time of 7:08.89, defeating Saratoga Rowing Association by more than 11 seconds. Pocock Rowing Center won the other semifinal in a 7:18.55."

This is where I'm learning to row...

03 June 2009

DAMN - Adult female Deer tick!

this morning on the drive (8:30AM) into work I felt a point of discomfort in the middle of my back on the left side. I removed my shirt and saw a red sore about the size of a nickel with a tick in the middle.

Dr. Berman's office 1:15PM. Had tick removed and area inspected. It's a deer tick (Dog ticks are better because they are less likely to carry Lyme disease. Rx antibiotic for 2 weeks.

The question is when did the tick and I become acquainted? Saturday - hike at Tarrywile with Droopy; Sunday - Tarrywile again and Golf cousre walks with Droopy; Monday, probably not, no walks with Droopy, first night for LTR; Tuesday - hiked the gas line (deer highway next to the house) all the way to the next street.

Barb's been suffering with Lyme for 10 years. It is bad stuff.