29 August 2009

cleaning house...again

last time I used this title it was associated to pressure washing the house. This weekend it means there is a dumpster in the driveway and it is time for a cleansing.

Katie accepted to Yale

I need to catch up on what's been going on...

Katie applied to Yale University and was accepted. Along with the acceptance came a full ride. Pretty impressive. I looks like she will defer for one or two semesters, stay at WCSU to get up to speed in Chemistry and Biology. She is switching her major to Bio-Medical Technology.

24 August 2009

another first in rowing

Was back rowing today after a 2 week vacation on the cape. (we'll get to that in another post) So back to today's first! I was concentrating on being smooth and quite. I was trying to applying something I learned while kayaking on the cape. I learned after a few days of kayaking that steering was done by very small variances in the stroke. This cannot be accomplished when using power stokes like I like to do when sculling. Anyway, long story short...I was very relaxed..and then I discovered my hands behind my back.. (they shouldn't be there).. the boat tipped and in I went into the Housatonic River. A slow motion "crab" (Crab - rowing term for an oar driven past the point of recovery, usually flips the boat)....I was rescued by my coach and we motored back to the dock, scull in tow. I was leaning too far back she says, so another thing to work on....

05 August 2009

another first

today i spent a couple of hours on a Wintech 24. The thinnest single I've rowed so far.

03 August 2009

Lover's Leap whitewater

Lover's Leap Rapids
Originally uploaded by newmilfordct

got to row through this today.....fast going through...a hard pull on the way back. maybe not quite as fast as the picture suggests, but close.

02 August 2009

Droppy has a birthday

The 12 puppies of Droppy's litter started arriving August 1st and finished August 2nd. So this weekend is Droopy's Birthday weekend....1 year old.

01 August 2009

clean house

sometimes that means throw stuff out...today it meant to pressure wash the house.