24 August 2009

another first in rowing

Was back rowing today after a 2 week vacation on the cape. (we'll get to that in another post) So back to today's first! I was concentrating on being smooth and quite. I was trying to applying something I learned while kayaking on the cape. I learned after a few days of kayaking that steering was done by very small variances in the stroke. This cannot be accomplished when using power stokes like I like to do when sculling. Anyway, long story short...I was very relaxed..and then I discovered my hands behind my back.. (they shouldn't be there).. the boat tipped and in I went into the Housatonic River. A slow motion "crab" (Crab - rowing term for an oar driven past the point of recovery, usually flips the boat)....I was rescued by my coach and we motored back to the dock, scull in tow. I was leaning too far back she says, so another thing to work on....

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