21 August 2010

Rowing on the Rhein

My walk this moring in Mainz was along the Rhein. There I came across the Mainzer Ruder Veiner rowing club. It was about 10AM and the dock was a mass of activity. Most of the boat launches were quad recreational or touring boats. I only saw one single scull and one duble scull. Everything else were touring boats like the C-line quad we use at GMS.

The current is running 2-4 knots! is my guess. Amazing!

Below is a link to a Canada site which speaks to this type of rowing and these boats....
Touring in Ontario is now promoted through the Ontario Adventure Rowing Association or OAR Touring (pdf brochure), a new Association that has been granted membership in ROWONTARIO and Rowing Canada Aviron. OAR Touring replaces the ROWONTARIO touring committee. Each year we will offer a full slate of tours on various scenic waterways of Ontario. For more information on the Ontario Adventure Rowing Association, please contact Richard Vincent at vincric@primus.ca
Touring Manual

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