31 December 2011

Infographic Of The Day: How Bikes Can Solve Our Biggest Problems | Co.Design

Infographic Of The Day: How Bikes Can Solve Our Biggest Problems | Co.Design: "There's tantalizing data suggesting that biking could go a long way to solving America's obesity crisis. And much more."

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SURG 2011: Project Aura

SURG 2011: Project Aura: "two industrial design students at Carnegie Mellon University, in making a bicycle safety lighting system."

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30 December 2011

David Baldacci

just finished "The Sixth Man" by David Baldacci. this is the fifth in his series using Sean King and Michelle Maxwell as investigators. Originally found the first book on vacation on the cape years ago.

3-3.5 stars out of 4

the other books in the series are:
Split Second
Hour Game
Simple Genius
and First Family

What are you doing New Years Eve?

ukulele hut strumming instructions and chords


28 December 2011

27 December 2011

The Top 10 Travel Stories of 2011 | Adventure Travel Guide | OutsideOnline.com

The Top 10 Travel Stories of 2011 | Adventure Travel Guide | OutsideOnline.com: "THE TOP 10 TRAVEL STORIES OF 2011
From the world’s most fuel-efficient commercial plane to foreign economic collapses to a cloud-tickling hotel, the biggest adventure travel stories this year


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25 December 2011

Christmas Comet

A stunning comet that survived a recent brush with the sun is amazing astronomers again, this time in dazzling new photos captured just before sunrise over Chile.

This beautiful dawn photo of Comet Lovejoy over Santiago de Chile was taken by ESO Photo Ambassador Yuri Beletsky on 22 December 2011 at 05:00 in the morning.
CREDIT: Y. Beletski/ESO
View full size image
The comet Lovejoy may not be the famed Star of Bethlehem, but it still provided a jaw-dropping sight for astronomer Gabriel Brammer, hotographed the comet rising ahead of the sun on Dec. 22 at Paranal Observatory in Chile's high Atacama Desert.

Comet Lovejoy from the VLT, Chile from g br on Vimeo.

24 December 2011

my first Concept2 holiday challenge done

The Concept2 Holiday challenge can be found here Next year it has to be 200K!

Christmas is almost here

Brewster Pastry provided us with last night's dessert.

18 December 2011

the future

The latest video builds on Microsoft’s previous concepts of touch based computing anywhere and everywhere. The video opens with a business woman visiting Johannesburg and having the audio around her translated in real time thanks to some futuristic glasses. Other scenes in the video feature highly personalized experiences and touch computing on every surface. Microsoft previously created an “Office 2019” video which also features the same opaque smartphones and touch walls.

10 December 2011

end of an era

sold my goalie pads today.

23 November 2011

life on purpose | Be More with Less

life on purpose | Be More with Less: "So here’s to the big things we often take for granted. Here’s to a refrigerator full of food. Here’s to the electricity that runs that refrigerator. Here’s to clean water being a flick of the faucet away. Here’s to going to bed tonight with a roof over my head (and without the fear of a bomb crashing through it). Here’s to the knowledge that when I dial 911 an ambulance will come get me, not a man with a wheelbarrow.
And here’s to remembering those of us who aren’t so lucky. And to do our part to share our good fortune in whatever ways we can."

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» The No New Gifts Holiday Challenge :zenhabits

» The No New Gifts Holiday Challenge :zenhabits: "The No New Gifts Holiday Challenge

Post written by Leo Babauta.

Are you ready to participate in the mad shopping frenzy that we partake in every year, not only on Black Friday but all holiday season long?"

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21 November 2011

18 November 2011

Concept 2 Holiday Challenge 2011

Concept 2 Holiday Challenge 2011: "Event Details


The Details
Row and/or ski 100,000 meters or 200,000 meters from November 24 to 11:59 p.m. ET December 24."

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16 November 2011

08 November 2011

Hawaiian Vamp Chords | Live 'Ukulele

Hawaiian Vamp Chords | Live 'Ukulele: "Hawaiian Vamp Chords
An ‘ukulele vamp (also called a “turnaround”) in Hawaiian music is three chords: II7, V7, and I. The first two chords get two counts (//) and the last gets four (////). If you are playing a down-up strum, one count equals down and up. D7// G7// C//// (D7: DUDU G7: DUDU C: DUDUDUDU). Vamps are usually used in between verses, but are also very common as intros and outros. You will hear the term “picking vamp” too. A picking vamp follows the same sound as the chords, so they fit together. i.e. You could strum a C vamp and your friend could pick a C vamp. If you want to learn picking vamps check out The Picking Vamps Page.

C: D7// G7// C////
G: A7// D7// G////
F: G7// C7// F////
A: B7// E7// A////
D: E7// A7// D////
…And the not so common keys:

E: F#7// B7// E////
B: C#7// F#7// B////
F#/Gb: G#7// C#7// F#////
C#/Db: D#7// G#7// C#////
G#/Ab: A#7// D#7// G#////
D#/Eb: F7// Bb7// Eb////
A#/Bb: C7// F7// Bb////"

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Nickel Creek – Anthony (Tab and Chords)

Nickel Creek – Anthony (Tab and Chords):

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07 November 2011

ukulele song

04 November 2011

Easter Egg: Google Flips for “Do a Barrel Roll” | Webmonkey | Wired.com

Easter Egg: Google Flips for “Do a Barrel Roll” | Webmonkey | Wired.com: "o see the hidden feature just head to Google.com and search for the phrase “do a barrel roll.” Provided your browser is up to the task — the latest versions of Chrome, Safari and Firefox should all work — the search results page will do a barrel roll."

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28 October 2011

what will tomorrow bring?

As it turned out we got 17 inches, a truck load of broken trees and branches, lost power at 2P on Saturday. We were one of the lucky ones and got our power back Monday night.

25 October 2011

"Father of the iPod" shows off his new project - Fortune Tech

"Father of the iPod" shows off his new project - Fortune Tech: "For the past two years, he has been hard at work quietly building a new electronic gadget. Like the iPod, it is controlled through a simple dial. And like the iPod, it's likely to be greeted with skepticism. It is, after all, a thermostat."

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12 October 2011

Tigers Ignore the Pain - Leading Off - NYTimes.com

Tigers Ignore the Pain - Leading Off - NYTimes.com: "Something far more notable happened Tuesday night in Detroit than simply a playoff baseball game."

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bye to the boat


Bo saw my add on Craiglist and now has the boat and trailer.
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05 October 2011

Maui Jim Lighthouse

have to replace my sunglasses I misplaced a month ago while doing sound at a party. Lost a pair of Maui Jim Hanalei (I think). I will try the lighthouse with HT lense.

fetch these please....

25 September 2011

21 September 2011

20 September 2011

Open Water Rowing Center in San Francisco | OutsideOnline.com | Dropping In | OutsideOnline.com

Open Water Rowing Center in San Francisco | OutsideOnline.com | Dropping In | OutsideOnline.com: "SCULL CRUSHERS
On wind-blasted San Fran­cisco Bay, a crew of hardcore rowers dodges freighters and fog banks for kicks. They are mostly women over 40. And they will destroy you."

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05 September 2011

Chocolate Mousse

4-minute Chocolate Mousse: "This incredibly decadent, luxurious chocolate mousse recipe comes to us from Gordon Ramsay (to whom I lovingly refer as Angry Chef). You have to try this! It's worth every single minute of effort.

Made this for Katie's birthday, which is today! - 21. I guess it must take some practice to get down to 4 minutes...probably took me about 12 minutes.
Now where is that bottle of wine?


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04 September 2011

The best out-of-office email ever written

The best out-of-office email ever written: "You know the worst thing about going on vacation? Writing your out-of-office email message."

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I am currently out of the office on vacation.

I know I’m supposed to say that I’ll have limited access to email and won’t be able to respond until I return — but that’s not true. My blackberry will be with me and I can respond if I need to. And I recognize that I’ll probably need to interrupt my vacation from time to time to deal with something urgent.

That said, I promised my wife that I am going to try to disconnect, get away and enjoy our vacation as much as possible. So, I’m going to experiment with something new. I’m going to leave the decision in your hands:

If your email truly is urgent and you need a response while I’m on vacation, please resend it to interruptyourvacation@[redacted].com and I’ll try to respond to it promptly.
If you think someone else at [the company] might be able to help you, feel free to email my assistant, and she’ll try to point you in the right direction.
· Otherwise, I’ll respond when I return…

Warm regards,


19 August 2011

I like these bars...

Metropolis City 31.8X620 Black

I saw these bars on a bike at the REI store in Norwalk this morning. Salesman came over and ask what he could do for me. I said "I want those bars!". We finally arrived in the bike shop and eventually discovered similar bar that had been removed for another bike....manager said ten bucks. I said sold!

18 August 2011

GMS Rowing Center a Quiet Success Story - Sports - Housatonic Times

GMS Rowing Center a Quiet Success Story - Sports - Housatonic Times: One of the quietest yet most significant success stories in New Milford area sports over the past decade has been the GMS Rowing Center.

15 August 2011


Tattly is a temporary tattoo store for design-minded kids and kids-at-heart. After applying many bad-clip-art tattoos on her daughter, swissmiss decided to stop complaining and take matters into her own hands. Tattly was born. Now, let's rock the tattoo world together.

14 August 2011

rainy sunday practice for Dragon boat race

Dragon boat practice in the rain today up on Candlewood lake. getting ready for next Saturday's racing at Lynn Deming Park in New Milford. Saw a bald eagle flying along the shore...that was neat! Water was in the high 70's I'm guessing....like a bath tub.

for more information try this link

05 August 2011

signs of life: MOVE, LEARN and EAT

MOVE on Vimeo: "3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries, 18 flights, 38 thousand miles, an exploding volcano, 2 cameras and almost a terabyte of footage... all to turn 3 ambitious linear concepts based on movement, learning and food ....into 3 beautiful and hopefully compelling short films....."

MOVE from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

LEARN from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

EAT from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

02 August 2011

reading this - Pirate Latitudes

Michael Crichton's career has been peaked by darkly exploratory journeys into science gone wrong with novels like Sphere, Jurassic Park, Timeline, and Congo, and while I've always appreciated his knack for creating believable, if not plausible, sci-fi scenarios using his love with certain areas of fringe tech, some of his more entertaining books come about when he steps away from the schematics and computer print outs and goes to town in a world of complete fantasy. Such is Pirate Latitudes, the last book ever written in full by Crichton, which was discovered on the author's computer after his death in November '08.

There are no moral tales of the responsibility inherent to toying with the genome or brushing shoulders with extinct species found here. Rather, Pirate Latitudes is more in league with Eaters of the Dead and The Great Train Robbery; a pure adventure story. However, while you may be expecting a pirate book arriving after the monumental success of Pirates of the Caribbean to feature out-of-this-world plot devices and ridiculously zany, swashbuckling set pieces, rest assured that Captain Jack Sparrow has left no visible imprint on Crichton's latest. No, Pirate Latitudes is a hard-boiled, men-on-a-mission thriller that has more in common with Michael Mann's Heat or Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds; it just happens to be set in a wonderous time when anything seemed possible, a time when sea dragons and cannibal natives may not have just been tall tales.

21 April 2011

Milky way video shot in Spain

This was filmed between 4th and 11th April 2011 on El Teide, Spain´s highest mountain. Follow on http://wwwfacebook.com/TSOPhotography for more videos.

27 March 2011

was in Biotech Bay last week....

Converting an Amgen division into a new BI company - Boehringer Ingelheim Fremont Inc.

To find the Amgen site look on the east coast of the bay. Rainy and cool all week. "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.

20 March 2011

so I think I want to try bicycle commuting on a TREK 1100


I figured out that it was 5 miles to work, and now thanks to the miracle of google maps, I was able to find a route that I will probably survive. So I started hunting for a bike. Mostly new ones..cha-ching! Happened across this mid-90s Trek at a LBS while it was being traded-in by a guy my size/height and a couple of years older. Figured it was a sign or something, so I bought it. Removed the aero-bars, rear rack (for now) and added some fenders. Fenders are SKS Bluemels. Need to dremel the fenders to get enough clearance through the brake calipers. I'll try getting use to riding a road bike again...it has only been 35 years. Once I feel safe, I'll put the rack back on and I will try a commute.
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here's a bike just like the one I got found on the web...

Trek 1100 first aluminum road bike with a triple chain ring.

26 February 2011

Connecticut Explorer's Guide Home

Connecticut Explorer's Guide Home

Get low

I just finished this movie and I have to say it was worth the time. Great cast, script and story....

13 February 2011

How to Dirt Bag and Deal Shop Like a Professional - WhiteBlaze - Appalachian Trail

Cheap Gear – How to Dirt Bag and Deal Shop Like a Professional - WhiteBlaze - Appalachian Trail: "If you are independently wealthy or have nothing better to do with your money stop reading now and go ahead and go to the nearest outfitter and let them load you up. But if you are looking to save some money for better things, then read on…"

30 January 2011

Oreo Truffles first provided by Anu

Oreo Truffles Recipe - Food.com - 87967: "Oreo Truffles"

or from Anu's old blog

these are great!

Here is the actual recipe just in case the link goes bye bye:

Oreo Truffles Recipe
1 hour | 1 hour prep

40 truffles (approximately)

1 lb Oreo cookies (3 sleeves)
8 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (using different extracts allows for subtle flavour changes...I've used mint extract, upped to 1 tsp) (optional)
1 lb milk chocolate
1/2 lb white chocolate

Using a food processor, grind cookies to a fine powder.
With a mixer, blend cookie powder, cream cheese and vanilla extract until thoroughly mixed (there should be no white traces of cream cheese).
Roll into small balls and place on wax-lined cookie sheet.
Refrigerate for 45 minutes.
Line two cookie sheets with wax paper.
In double-boiler, melt milk chocolate.
Dip balls and coat thoroughly.
With slotted spoon, lift balls out of chocolate and let excess chocolate drip off.
Place on wax-paper-lined cookie sheet.
In separate double boiler, melt white chocolate.
Using a fork, drizzle white chocolate over balls.
Let cool.
Store in airtight container, in refrigerator.

29 January 2011

Reuse Your Keurig K-Cups!

My Keurig coffee maker stopped working a couple of days ago. It lasted 3 years and maybe I de-scaled it once (suppose to do this every 3 months). Anyway, while driving today I started wondering if you could create a cup of coffee with a K-Cup without an electric brewer. (Probably because I had to go yesterday morning without coffee or at least until I bought a new machine.) I was thinking about a french press that had a K-Cup holder at the end. Somebody must have thought of this before....well I couldn't goggle anything close to my idea.....

But I did find this cool thing.....


workout | ListBean.com

workout | ListBean.com

The Simplest Diet for Lean Fitness | zen habits

The Simplest Diet for Lean Fitness | zen habits: "I’ve cut my less healthy choices down to Saturdays — as inspired by Tim Ferriss’s book The 4-Hour Body"

17 January 2011

ukulele strap project

first thing are the guitar straps buttons to be mounted on the ukulele. So I went to the local guitar store figuring they might cost 4-5 bucks.
they might look like this....add a felt washer and that would be it. They had them, but they wanted 9 bucks, plus tax and I'd have to find felt washers.... I don't mind the $10 so much, but it is not worth that

...so time for another plan.

on the way home I made a few stops looking for a substitute. Finally at the local hardware store I found these....Brass knurled thumb nuts. I think they were no.8 thread.

looks pretty close.....65 cents each. I added a no. 4 x 3/4 inch brass wood screw for 15 cents each to complete the set. they slip right through.

bought a sheet of felt self adhesive pads, assorted sized for another buck and I was in business.

Strap buttons = 3 dollars...that's more like it.

03 January 2011

02 January 2011

Painted the Bathroom renovation this weekend.

Bathroom remodel 2010

click on the picture to go to the project picture album.